We currently have 6 horses and 5 horse owners. We try to keep our horses barefoot and blanket free when possible. We do not participate in competitions of any sort. Our members include an eclectic group of folks ages 18-70+. We regret that humans under 18 are not invited to participate at this time.
For a monthly fee ($125), members are encouraged to come out to the farm (Lawnacres) as often as they can to create the horse experience they dream of. For some that means twice a month, for others it’s twice a week. We are inviting you into a community where all the members know all the horses (and chickens).
Creating a good partnership takes time and grows in steps. This model of open ended time allows us to build our partnerships organically and respectfully, with kindness as our guiding principal. We’re aligned with the point of view of the IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavioral Consultants) , “Dominance is not a natural order of power between us and our pets, nor is it a healthy or scientifically supported way to approach training and behavior consulting. It certainly doesn’t justify the use of punishment in training. An animal does not have to be dominant or submissive in order to learn—animals learn from what reinforces or punishes their behavior. They can learn from other animals in their group, from other species, and by interacting with the environment.” https://m.iaabc.org/about/position-statements/dominance/
If you’re wondering how to do this with horses, we have a lot of ideas. We’ve spent uncountable hours working with our horses at liberty. We’ve had the magical experience of having their eyes light up when we come in the barn. Having a free horse voluntarily walk at your side across a grassy pasture is a thrill unlike any other. While both human and equine members are expected to respect boundaries, rules and safety, we are about persuasion over coercion. The practitioners we link to on our “Inspirations” tab provide great examples of the philosophies we’re exploring.
When you initially join the Herd, expect to spend the first several visits with another human member as well as the equine members. We want to get to know you. We want to share our impressions and experience of each horse. And of course, there are some practical things like where the halters hang, where the outhouse is, where to park and hang your coat, and most importantly, where the cookie jar is. The length of the introductory period depends on your experience, your goals and your availability.
When we started this adventure in 2012, everyone (horses and people) was younger and more sound. Since then, we have lost an equine member and retired two others. Riding was never our primary focus, and it has become less so as we’ve grown together. Working through the layers of connection, consent and cooperation have kept our relationships vital and fascinating beyond the experience of riding. Though a riding relationship is a potential with a couple of our horse members, we are probably not the group you’re looking for if your goal is to ride.
If you do hope to eventually include riding in your experience, there are a couple of things to know. You’ll know you can ride when your horse willingly lets you mount at the mounting block, and there is a 180lb weight limit (exclusive of tack).
Just one of the things we do besides ride...